No bathroom is complete without towel hooks, a soap dispenser or liquid soap dispenser, a glass tray, toilet paper or brush holders. Let talk about three important accessories for bathroom.
There is no strict list of how many and which accessories you need in a bathroom. One rule all interior design and architecture professionals will tell you - take accessories seriously and don't sweat the quality.
If you have a hundred arguments why you can get by with cheaper ones it should be... patience... Sooner or later low-quality accessories start to annoy you quietly...
Mirror, mirror, who's the most beautiful in the world?
A cosmetic mirror you don't often see in glossy interiors magazines. If you've never got a cosmetic mirror, you may not miss it.
But if you have one, you honestly won't understand how the rest of the world gets along without it...

This mirror is as different from the others as a wired phone is from a smartphone.
Unique design it's incredibly flexible: easy to rotate at different angles, the height can be adjusted both standing and sitting.
The mirror can be wall-mounted or installed in an existing bathroom - it makes no difference. This mirror has become the world's first cosmetic mirror to feature LEDs with different light modes, just like jewellery.

Toilet paper holders: a focus on habits and weaknesses
It may sound strange, but this toilet paper holder are really different. Maybe designers and technologists didn't have toilet paper in mind when they designed it? As these holders simply don't remove the roll before the paper runs out, and there are even versions with a spare (!) roll holder...
Finally, shelves with a non-slip surface for storing glasses, mobile phones or notebooks.
Shower glass cleaner: always at hand
No doubt the right glass cleaner is important for shower. But most of the time, glass is still cleaned too infrequently. Even if you make the effort to clean them at least a couple of times a week, they still build up plaque over time.
Experts advise that the most effective way to clean glass is to clean it immediately after a hot shower, as hot water is the best way to wash away deposits and dirt.
But then there's another problem - glass cleaner won't necessarily be handy... Designers have found a solution. Unless you don't need a shelf for shampoo or soap in the shower.
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